Everest Update Checker status page

Page last refreshed on April 28, 2024, 11:43:06 PM UTC

The update checker is up and running!

The database fully updates every 6 hours. It goes through all Celeste mods, allowing to update view/download/like counts, and to detect mod deletions.
The last full update happened on April 28, 2024, 11:20:25 PM UTC (22 minutes ago), and took 20.1 minutes.

The database does fast updates every 2 minutes. It only goes through mods that were modified since the last update.
The last fast update happened on April 28, 2024, 11:42:31 PM UTC (less than a minute ago), and took 16.0 seconds.

This status page is also available in JSON format.

2855 mods are currently registered.

You can learn more about the files generated by the Everest Update Checker by checking its README on GitHub.

APIs that provide mod search and sorted / filtered lists are also available, check the docs here.

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Latest updates

28/04/2024 20:53 Mechanical God was updated to version 1.0.1
28/04/2024 19:03 Mechanical God was updated to version 0.0.1
28/04/2024 17:20 ChroniaHelper was updated to version 1.5.1
28/04/2024 16:36 QuantumMechanics was updated to version 1.2.0
28/04/2024 15:35 SaladimHelper was updated to version 0.2.12